Moving Beyond Compliance - Article Download - AssetFuture

Moving Beyond Compliance

A practical guide for Retirement Living Operators for compliance and beyond

White Paper bought to you by AssetFuture

As the NSW population ages, the retirement living industry will play an increasingly important role in meeting the housing needs of seniors who are looking for a safe, secure and low maintenance lifestyle. Following the Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector (Greiner, 2018), led by Kathryn Greiner, AO., there have been recommended changes to improve the operation of Retirement Villages.

This white paper discusses the role of Asset Management within the Retirement Living sector, the requirements to meet compliance and a step-by-step approach to ongoing compliance. The role of these requirements in the Residential Aged Care sector is also discussed, as many operators in Retirement Living also manage Aged Care facilities, and whilst this is not yet a mandated requirement, many operators are seeing this process as beneficial for optimising assets with regard to cost, risk and performance.

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